
Thursday, April 22, 2010

207 dead paper...

study hard and doing note with finished all the chapter...
all i get in the exam is a mess of my mind...
all the formula mixed up...all the point are mixed too...
a hopeful subject for me...became a dead and hopeless subject...
feeling that i properly will fail this subject...
to my dad...
if i really failed my exam...pls...don't blame me...
i really have tried very hard...but...what i get is a mess in final...
i really so tired and moodless wanna study anymore...
the more i work hard...the more i wish to...the more i mess up...
go in with a calm the end...rushing answering the Question...
the nervous then messing up...then blur...then all done wrong...wrong and wrong and wrong again...
a known calculation...can mess up in the final...can forget what is the formula and what is the Constant value...
very tiring ady...answering 5 Question in 3 hours...year 1 ok...ok...rushing with pass...
now..more worst...
Question 1 divided into a. b. and c.
Question 2 also divided into a. b. and c.
Question 3, 4 and 5 much different...
and the syllabus of the semester had changed due to EAC...
Question 1 to 4 is a MUST...compulsory...
the only Question 5 and 6 can be select either 1...
not like last semester or previous final exam..
in all 6 Question...u only chose 5 Question to answer...
so...most of the ppl choose the Question that they mastered...
but situation now are different...u understand or dono...also have to answer the compulsory part..
moreover...the standards have a rise...last time C = = 50%...
very stressful'm sorry if i really failed my paper...
and to GOD...can you bless us more??
i think You had...this is because.......unknown area of Johari window...
maybe i din pray for myself last night too...cos i cant blame who or anyone...
just blaming myself that stupid...cannot remember a lot and in a panic and making things a mess in final...
so...also...wanna thanks You my GOD... thank You for taking care of me...
just i keep on complaining...which ruin my future........
my own fault...

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